What Details You Should Include On TEFL Resumes

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Reference and Education

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The resume you send to an employer in an attempt to be chosen for a position will need to be impressive, detailed and relevant, so if you are applying for a TEFL job, you need to focus heavily on the TEFL resumes you send off. TEFL resumes will need to be very precise in the information that is included, because employer’s who are sifting through the multifarious applications will turn a blind eye to resume’s that do not catch their attention. It is vital that your TEFL resumes are accurate, honest and that they are related to the job in some way, because this will improve your chances of being chosen.

TEFL Resumes – The Layout

To beat the competition, your TEFL resumes should be set out neatly. The font you use must not be too large or too small. Use bold when necessary and make the layout easy to read. Nothing is worse than having a resume which is difficult to read, because the employer will think that this displays poor organizational skills, which may reflect in the work you provide. It is imperative that you print your name in larger font at the top of the resume, so that the employer can immediately identify with the person who is applying for a job. As well as this, place your contact details beneath the name so that the employer does not have to waste time flicking through pages to find a way of speaking with you.

TEFL Resumes – Past Experience

Because this kind of job will be targeted towards teaching English to foreign people, the level of skill required will be very high. Therefore you need to portray this within the first few lines of your resume, as otherwise the employer may become uninterested and put you at the bottom of the pile. Be sure to include any relevant experience that relates to teaching and provide contact information for any references that the employer can contact to confirm that you have knowledge in this field. In addition to this, note down your qualifications because a TEFL employer will normally look for a bachelor’s degree to consider you for a role.

TEFL Resumes – Traveling Abroad

Some TEFL jobs will require the employee to travel. Traveling is a big part of teaching English because the foreign students may not be able to travel to your place of residence to learn, meaning that you will need to commute to them. The employer needs to know that you are prepared for what lies ahead and that you are willing to commute regularly. You can show this on your TEFL resumes by discussing in detail any length of time you have spent abroad for work in the past.