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Zoom Your Way to a Beautiful Smile

By: Alex
Category : Dental
April 16, 2013

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Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. It expresses your personality better than any other physical feature except, perhaps, the eyes. With your smile being such a prominent attribute of your face, you certainly don't want yellowed or stained teeth. With teeth whitening in Charleston, WV you can make sure that when people notice your smile, they are noticing its fun personality rather than its discoloration.

Teeth can become discolored for a number of reasons including the consumption of certain food and drink, fluorosis, poor hygiene, genetics, and age. Teeth are covered with a thin layer of enamel, which can become stained. It can also wear away, exposing the next layer of the tooth, dentin, which is more naturally yellow. If you need teeth whitening Charleston, WV, one of the most popular forms of is Zoom Whitening. Zoom is one of the quickest and most effective ways to whiten teeth, offering immediate results, and whitening both the enamel and the dentin.

There are two types of Zoom teeth whitening in Charleston, WV: in-office and at-home. Both are very effective, though the in-office treatment will give you faster results. If you choose in-office Zoom whitening, your dentist will most likely give you a standard cleaning first. He will then cover your teeth in a special hydrogen peroxide gel, which he will leave on for about fifteen minutes. He will then shine a specially developed Zoom light on your teeth. Usually your dentist will do this three times during your session for about fifteen minutes each time. Working with the gel, this light will remove the stains from your teeth, often leaving them five to eight shades lighter.

At-home Zoom teeth whitening usually gives the same results but costs less than in-office treatments. Not everyone chooses this option, however, because it takes a bit longer, is done without the continual supervision of a dentist, and requires a lot of self-discipline to complete the treatment each day. If you choose this method, your dentist will fit you with custom trays for your teeth. You will then put the hydrogen peroxide gel in the trays and leave them on for a prescribed period each day or, in many cases, overnight. Though there are many over-the-counter tooth whitening treatments you can do at home, Zoom prescribed by a dentist is the only one that contains amorphous calcium phosphate, which makes teeth less sensitive, smoother, and shinier. Because this is done over a period of time, it will take several weeks for you to see your final results, but when you do your teeth can end up five to eight shades lighter.

Zoom teeth whitening in Charleston, WV is safe and pain free. Talk to your dentist about Zoom to get a smile that you are proud for people to notice.