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How to Clean a Leather Sofa in Hawaii

By: Alex
Category : Business
May 23, 2013

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Leather furniture is expensive, so you want to make sure that you are properly maintaining it. With a little work, you can keep your leather looking and feeling like new. Don't let your Leather Sofa age fast, when you can restore its luster with a simple cleaning. If you have never cleaned leather before then you want to learn the proper method so you don't cause any extra damage during the process. Make sure you adhere to the following steps the next time you need to clean your leather furniture. It will make the process easier and keep your furniture looking like new for years to come.

Remove Large Debris The first step to cleaning a Leather Sofa Hawaii is removing all of the larger debris that is on your furniture. This is best done with a dry cloth, or a vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a soft brush attachment. If you have gum or another sticky substance stuck on your furniture, then fill a storage bag with ice and allow it to set on the sticky residue for 20 minutes. Remove the bag, and use a plastic scraper to remove all residual residue.

Clean the Leather Once the large debris has been removed, clean the leather with a mild soap or approved leather cleaner. This is best done using a lint free cloth. Massage the cleaner into the leather, making sure not to allow water to puddle on its surface. Once cleaned, allow the leather to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Condition the Leather Regardless of the type of cleaner you use, there is still risk of your furniture drying out, which can lead to discoloration and cracks. After you clean your leather, you want to make sure you apply a quality conditioner to help restore it to its original sheen and texture. Massage the conditioner in with a clean, dry cloth and allow it absorb completely before using the furniture.

You can restore your Leather Sofa Hawaii to like new condition by properly cleaning and conditioning it. Don't waste your money on new furniture when you can make yours look like new by cleaning it today.