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Finding The Right Healthy Dog Chews

By: Teresaal Dridge
Category : Pets
October 8, 2018

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Chewing serves a number of purposes. It is:

   *  Fun for your puppy/dog
   *  It provides exercise – physical and mental
   *  It helps clean the teeth
   *  It distracts your canine

While your dog is chewing, you can watch television, read a book or handle a few simple chores. However, always make sure you are giving him/her healthy dog chews.


The market carries a vast array of different types of dog chews. Many are healthy; some are not. Both kinds fall into two separate categories -

     1. Edible
     2. Non-edible

The non-edible types are comprised of non-edible substances, e.g. rubber. It is easy to identify them as healthy or not healthy. If the chew falls into smaller components or is too small, it can comprise a choking hazard. Common sense can help you decide which chew toy is a healthy one.

When it comes to edible treats, it is harder to separate non-healthy from healthy dog chews. It requires an understanding of the ingredients listed on the packaging. The internet is a great tool for separating the good from the bad – as is your vet. Many local pet supply stores are also knowledgeable about the available products.

Another way is to look at the number of ingredients. Often those with few ingredients are among the best. They may consist of beef, pork, chicken, kangaroo or elk. They may come in the shape of a strip, a bow or a twist. They may even have no meat at all but consist of plant by-products. Organic is good, but so, too are many commercial lines that strive to keep the contents simple.

Healthy Dog Chews

Your dog needs to chew for many reasons. If you want his teeth and entire physical being to remain healthy, choose only the best chews. Make sure they are the right type of healthy dog chews. Look at the ingredients carefully and be sure the chews match his/her age, size, needs and taste.