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Can a NonPrescription Adderall Substitute Improve Your Memory

By: Phineas Gray
Category : Beauty
June 19, 2013

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There are many aspects to good health besides physical health. Mental health is also a major component of wellbeing. If you or someone who love has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, it’s vital to find a quality supplement to help enhance focus and mental health. Many people have tried an Adderall substitute and found great success. Adderall alternatives have similar results to all the major ADHD drugs, without the harsh side effects. Learn more about how an over the counter Adderall substitute can improve your memory.

Why Go With a Substitute?
Children often have the sharpest memories. As a personal grows older, their mind grows weaker, resulting in poor memory function. Decreased memory can result in poor grades in school, poor performance at work and difficulty in everyday situations. In these cases, many people turn to drugs like Adderall or Ritalin to help them gain better focus. However, these drugs can be harmful to the body. Herbal Adderall is often the best option for better memory.

The Many Benefits of a Substitute
There are a host of benefits that come with choosing an alternative to Adderall medication to treat ADHD and memory issues. With energy boosters and a mix of vitamins, extracts and herbal stimulates, it’s easy to gain better mental health while consuming essential nutrients and vitamins that are good for the brain. These herbal supplements also contain antioxidants that help protect the brain against illness and disease.

No Prescription Needed
One of the biggest advantages to choosing a substitute for Adderall is that no prescription is needed. These substitute supplements can be purchased over the counter without a prescription from your doctor. There are also legal implications to purchasing Adderall, which can result in jail time if you are caught with the drugs without a prescription. For these reasons, more and more individuals are turning to Adderall alternatives.

Addrena is your over-the-counter ADHD alternative, designed for better focus, energy and fat loss. To learn more about this natural supplement packed with tons of energy boosters, �smart drugs� and appetite suppressants, visit the Addrena website at