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3 Key Questions That You Should Ask Your Aurora Car Accident Attorney

By: Teresaal Dridge
Category : Legal
November 11, 2019

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Bradley Dworkin
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Being involved in any type of auto accident is not fun. The aftermath can be even worse, especially if you were injured during the event. Your best bet is to seek out a car accident attorney Aurora who can protect your interests. Here are three common questions that people ask when hiring an attorney to represent them after an auto accident.

How Soon After My Accident Should I Seek Legal Representation?

There are priorities that you should observe after an accident. The first is to contact the authorities and remain at the scene until they arrive. Provide them with all the details you can remember. The accident report that’s filed by the police will be helpful later.

You also want to be checked out by a medical professional. Even if you feel fine now, complications could arise as soon as tomorrow. The results of that medical exam will also come in handy as the case progresses.

Finally, contact an attorney and secure representation. This will keep the legal aftermath of the accident as straightforward as possible.

What Information Should I Provide My Legal Counsel?

Provide as much documentation as possible, along with other information that helps to provide a better idea of what took place. You want your car accident attorney Aurora to have access to the accident reports, the results of your medical exam, contact information for any witnesses, photographs you took at the scene, and any other evidence related to the event.

Why Should All Communications With the Other Party Go Through My Attorney?

Once you hire a car accident attorney Aurora residents rely on, refer all queries from the other party to that legal counsel. Your attorney will manage all the details of a possible settlement or prepare the case for court. By allowing your legal counsel to speak for you, there’s no possibility of making an offhand comment that the other party could use to transfer part of the responsibility for the accident to you.

Contact the Law Offices of Dworkin and Maciariello or visit us at to set up a consultation after your auto accident.